Business Management & Administration

Legal Administrative Specialist

Learn to become a Legal Administrative Specialist!

The Legal Administrative Specialist Program is designed to prepare students for employment as a general office clerk, clerical support staff, administrative support staff, and legal secretary. The content focuses on broad, transferrable skills in the area of legal administrative specialist including: communications; critical thinking and decision making; legal terminology; office procedures and practices specific to the legal environment; transcription of legal documents; utilization of advanced software applications; career research; the legal aspects of business and papers; and the development of high quality employment portfolios and job seeking documents. The Legal Administrative Specialist Program utilizes Microsoft Office and other software that prepares students for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Industry Certification.

Enroll in our Legal Administrative Specialist Program program today.

For more information on program cost, schedule, content, and admission requirements, see the program flyer or contact the counselor at: [email protected]

Program Info

Program Length:

1050 hrs / Full Time 10 months / 35 weeks

Program Offered:

January, March, June, August and October

Delivery Method:
