Transfer Policy
Within the Institution
Although every effort is made to place a student in a program where (s)he is most likely to succeed, there are occasions when it is in the best interest of the student to transfer to another program within the department, providing space is available. Students who desire a transfer from one class or section to another must see a counselor. To effect a transfer, the counselor completes a Change of Enrollment form. All student performance outcomes pertinent to the new program standards are transferred.
Experiential Learning/Advanced Placement
Advanced placement for experiential learning is designed to evaluate learning experiences that have taken place outside of the classroom or lab. This learning may result from activities such as previous work experience, employment-related training, volunteer, military, or intensive self-directed study.
The department head and/or instructor completes an assessment of student performance standards or occupational completion points achieved utilizing one or more of the following instruments: written/performance tests, portfolio, or evaluations of certificates, licenses, or military service.
From Other Institutions
A transcript from a Florida public institution documenting student performances standards or occupational completion points achieved for a specific program will be accepted in transfer for the same program.
A transcript from a nonpublic institution that is fully accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education, and that participates in the common course designation and numbering system will be accepted in transfer for the same program.
A transcript from a non-accredited institution will be evaluated on an individual basis by the department head and the individual program instructor to determine if advanced placement in a given program is applicable.